Your first month!

Once you’ve got over the hurdle of your first day, the rest of the month should fall into place on its own. So really, there’s nothing we can tell you here.

But to break you in gently, we’ve cobbled together the following checklist just for you.

In the first week:

  1. Introduced yourself to 3 other employees.

  2. Try working from an unusual place.

  3. Enjoy and take as much as you can from your training.

By the time you’ve finished your second week, you should have done one (or more) of the following.

  1. Given at least 5 compliments to at least 5 colleagues (you can’t make them up - they’ve got to be genuine!)

  2. Told us an embarrassing (true) story about yourself.

  3. Posted a message on any of the company slack channel.

By the time you’ve finished your third week, you should have done one (or more) of the following:

  1. Come up with an employee nickname for yourself (like Super Aman, the Marketing Hero)

  2. Learned how to do something that isn’t in your ‘job role’.

At the end of the month, you should do of the following:

Get paid (we’ll take care of this one). 🎉

Last updated