Your first day!

Welcome to Hevo! Hevo has an incredibly unique way of doing things that will make this the greatest professional experience of your life.

If this is going to work, you need to take some time to get comfortable with your own style and how you want to ‘roll’. How you choose to work is down to you. We do meet from time to time to catch up, review projects, and throw ideas around... but the rest of the time, how you set yourself up is your decision.

We’re giving you free rein over how you work for two main reasons:

  1. You know how you work best.

  2. Whereas, we don’t.

Setting your work pattern!

The fact is, we feel that for really high-quality work to be produced, our employees need to be as comfortable as possible with how and when they work. And if that means that you wake up one morning and simply don’t feel up to working, so be it - take some time out, recharge your batteries and come back later - just make sure you’re not letting any of your workmates down. On the other hand, if you wake up at 2am with a fantastic idea, then why wait ‘til morning?

Setting your own working pattern is going to take some getting used to, but we’d like to offer three points of advice that might just help you get on track a little easier:

  1. Keep Promises.

  2. If you’ve got a great idea, act.

  3. If you’re away on holiday... make sure you enjoy it! That means ensuring your responsibilities are covered, getting somebody to water your plants, turning your phone off, temporarily forgetting your work login details, and catching some sunshine!

We will never stop you from putting in extra time... but if you’re having to put in 60 hours a week to get something right, chances are there’s probably a better way to get it done.

Why not try finding it?

Last updated