In conclusion

Hevo Isn’t Perfect (Yet!)

  • Our philosophy doesn’t always work. This isn’t too worrying though.. we’ve accepted that no structure is perfect 100% of the time, and we’re sticking with our philosophy to come rough or smooth.

  • Things don’t always go according to plan. In fact, even the fixes we implement as a result don’t always go according to plan.

  • We don’t spend as much face time with each other as we could. Our flexibility allows us to, but it doesn’t always happen. Recently because of the pandemic, we are all working from our homes.

But there’s no reason why we can’t aim for perfection together. Hopefully, by now you’re feeling enthusiastic about becoming one of the people who make Hevo.

Good Luck!

So, you’ve had the tour of how we work, and now the only thing left for you to do is to start growing your career. We’re all here if you get stuck, and you’re here now, if we do... so let’s take the next few steps of our journey together

Last updated