Organisation Structure

What fuels us?

At Hevo, innovation is the currency that funds us. We buy and sell in the form of ideas. We grow only by pushing technology to its limits, always on the hunt for new ways with which we can shape it, morph it and change it in order to better empower others. We value each of the individuals that help to make us who and what we are.

Every company will tell you that “the customer is boss,” but here that statement has weight. There’s no red tape stopping you from figuring out for yourself what our customers want and then giving it to them. If you’re thinking to yourself, “Wow, that sounds like a lot of responsibility,” you’re right

And although everyone at Hevo is working towards the same goal, we know that there are thousands of ways to hit it... that’s why we leave it in your hands.

  • We do not want you to ask for approval on every small decision you make.

  • We do want you to take initiative and try something new.

Our Team

We’re a team of 200+ members growing at a tremendous rate. Broadly, teams are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Product Teams: Responsible for product development, testing, customer solutions & support.

  2. Business Teams: Responsible for marketing, administrative, strategy, sales, and finance.

Both engineering and business teams collaborate internally and cross-functionally having a relatively flat organizational structure.

Project teams often have an internal structure that forms temporarily to suit the group’s needs. The structure provides a shared understanding of what to expect from each other. If someone moves to a different group or a team shifts its priorities, each person can take on a completely different role according to the new requirements.

Refer to the table to understand the responsibilities of each division.

Team TypeTeam NameBrief Description


Product Development

Builds and maintains Hevo’s proprietary data pipeline. Also responsible for maintaining and updating the website, blogs, and other Hevo platforms

QA & Testing

Involved in testing Hevo’s data pipeline

Customer Support

Resolves customer queries related to the product


Providing technical guidance to free trial users. Assisting them along with sales teams to onboard as Hevo’s customers

Product Manager

Defining product specifications

Technical Writers

Responsible for documentation of the product

Technical Recuirtement

Hiring for the engineering team


Conceptualise and execute designs to support a wide variety of programs for all business verticals.


Marketing Team

Manages the demand generation through channels including SEO, SEM, ABM campaigns, live/digital events etc

Business Unit

Responsible for developing strategic initiatives for the leadership and coordinating with multiple teams to ensure alignment of efforts

Business Recuitment

Hiring for Business Team

Sales Team

Drive customer growth and retention and accelerate the revenue growth

Last updated